; SketchIt.BAS ; If ( IsReportSecure%() = 0 ) Then ForceAutoSave ; Left overfrom old SketchIt.bas. Don't know what it does. strHold$ = " " lenHold% = LEN( strHold$ ) REGISTER "AIUTIL.DLL", "GRS", "SSSi" strHold$ = " " lenHold% = LEN( strHold$ ) a% = GRS%( "Apexwin2.Document\\shell\\open\\command", "", strHold$, lenHold% ) If a% <= 0 Then MsgBox "32-bit Apex IV Windows may not be installed properly. Please reinstall it." Else exe$ = GetPPS$("Directories", "AppDir", "", "TRA.INI") If exe$ = "" Then MsgBox "Unable to read AppDir from Tra.ini" Else If Right$(exe$,1) <> "\\" Then exe$ = exe$ + "\\" End If exe$ = exe$ + "Import.exe" End If End If If exe$ <> "" Then If FileExists%( exe$ ) Then Shell( exe$ ) Else MsgBox "Could not find Import.exe. Apex Integration is not installed or needs to be reinstalled." End If End If Else MsgBox "This report has been secured. You should remove security before attempting to modify the property sketch." End If