Replace Macro


You can create a Macro to transfer the value from one cell to another.  You will need to run the Macro from the cell to receive the information.  In a URAR, click in the cell you want the price to transfer INTO.  For this macro, click in the Market Value cell.  On the menu bar, click on Cell-Common Responses and click on Add to create a new response (macro).  Title it (i.e. Indicated Value) and click OK.  Assign it a Hot Key and toggle Macro under Response Type.  In the text area at the bottom, type the following:




This will replace its contents with what is in cell 149|1 which is the price.  You can get the cell’s ID by clicking in it and going to Cell-Common Responses.  Now, in a URAR, whenever you enter the price in the Indicated Value and click in the Market Value cell and hit your Hot Key for the macro, it will insert it in that cell.