Printer Margins
1) Click on Sta
2) Right click on your printer
3) Left click Prope
a. Left click Paper
tab (if there is one)
b. Left click Unprintable
Area (if there is one)
c. Adjust the margins
4) If you do not have these
options in your printer drive, check the other tabs for this Unprintable Area
option or a Margins setting.
5) If there are not any, then
you cannot set the margins in the printer driver. You may either try another printer driver for
your printer or use Adobe.
(Note: If the margins were working, but suddenly
stopped working, you might try deleting your printer driver and reinstalling
1) Create the Report in a PDF
using Adobe Writer
a. If you have Adobe Acrobat
(PDF Writer), you can create a Portable Document File (.PDF). (If you do not have Adobe Writer, you will need to purchase it
from Adobe or from some third party such as or
b. Complete the report and save
it in Appraise-It.
Click on File-Print and then click on the Printer Setup
ii) Select the Acrobat PDFWriter (not Distiller) from
the printer pull-down menu.
iii) Click on Setup
and make sure legal size paper is selected.
iv) Click on the Compression
Options and select Compress using JPEG HIGH.
v) Click OK until you get back
to the Print Commander dialog box.
vi) Select the pages you want to
print and hit Print.
directory you will now have the original report and a copy of it with the same
prefix as your original report with a .PDF extension. (For example, if your
report is named Test.RPT then there will also be Test.PDF.)
2) Print the report from Adobe
a. Open the report in Adobe by
double clicking on it in your Tradata\Data directory (e.g.,
double click Test.PDF)
Click document – crop pages
b. Adjust the margins. (For example, if you increase the Top crop,
it will decrease the top margin. If you
increase the left crop, it will decrease the left margin.)
Click Ok
c. Click File – Print – Prope
Select Legal
ii) Click Ok, Ok